30 anos de
O Livro das Comunidades
Colóquio em Liverpool
nova edição ainda este ano
O Livro das Comunidades
Colóquio em Liverpool
nova edição ainda este ano

Claire Williams e Raquel Ribeiro organizam em Setembro na Universidade de Liverpool um Colóquio destinado a assinalar os trinta anos da publicação do «livro-fonte» da Obra de Llansol. Prevê-se ainda para este ano a reedição deste livro pela Assírio & Alvim, com imagens de quatro pintores portugueses.
Transcreve-se o «Call for papers» do Colóquio de Liverpool:
Portuguese Section, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, University of Liverpool
Paulo de Medeiros (Utrecht)
Pedro Eiras (Porto)
– How far can O Livro das Comunidades be taken as a watershed in Llansol’s work, influencing the way we read her other texts?
– How could a re-reading of O Livro das Comunidades, 30 years since its publication, pave the way for unexpected encounters between literature and other artistic fields (such as music, film, art, architecture, theology)?
– How could one relate, cross or interweave other authors (who may or may not be the Llansolian figures of Musil, Kafka, Nietzsche, San Juan de la Cruz, Hadewijch, etc.) in the light of O Livro das Comunidades?
– How has Llansol’s work been received, before and after 1977;
– Can Llansol’s writing be translated out of Portuguese and into other languages?

Papers may be presented in English or Portuguese and must not exceed 20 minutes. Proposals may be individual or collective. Please submit an abstract of approx. 300 words and full contact details (including e-mail). We warmly encourage postgraduate submissions. Please send proposals by e-mail to:
Raquel Ribeiro (raquel.ribeiro@liverpool.ac.uk) or
Claire Williams (cleliwil@liverpool.ac.uk)
or by post to:
School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies
University of Liverpool
Modern Languages Building
Chatham Street
Liverpool, L69 7ZR UK
Transcreve-se o «Call for papers» do Colóquio de Liverpool:
Portuguese Section, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, University of Liverpool
Maria Gabriela Llansol
30 years since O Livro das Comunidades
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Blackburne House, Hope Street, Liverpool
Guest speakers:Maria Gabriela Llansol
30 years since O Livro das Comunidades
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Blackburne House, Hope Street, Liverpool
Paulo de Medeiros (Utrecht)
Pedro Eiras (Porto)
Eu sei que, pouco a pouco,
passaremos a viver noutro fundo de livro e de linguagem.
E teremos, então, uma inquietação mais simples.
MGL, Um Beijo Dado Mais Tarde
The Portuguese Section of the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies at the University of Liverpool invites scholars and legentes (readers) to submit abstracts for the one-day Symposium to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the first edition of unique writer Maria Gabriela Llansol’s great work O Livro das Comunidades (1977). This book, the first in the Geografia dos Rebeldes trilogy, sets out Llansol’s philosophical and literary project for the future and paves the way for her following works. For the Symposium, we especially invite abstracts for papers, literary, philosophical or interdisciplinary, that address (but are not limited to) the following issues: passaremos a viver noutro fundo de livro e de linguagem.
E teremos, então, uma inquietação mais simples.
MGL, Um Beijo Dado Mais Tarde
– How far can O Livro das Comunidades be taken as a watershed in Llansol’s work, influencing the way we read her other texts?
– How could a re-reading of O Livro das Comunidades, 30 years since its publication, pave the way for unexpected encounters between literature and other artistic fields (such as music, film, art, architecture, theology)?
– How could one relate, cross or interweave other authors (who may or may not be the Llansolian figures of Musil, Kafka, Nietzsche, San Juan de la Cruz, Hadewijch, etc.) in the light of O Livro das Comunidades?
– How has Llansol’s work been received, before and after 1977;
– Can Llansol’s writing be translated out of Portuguese and into other languages?

Papers may be presented in English or Portuguese and must not exceed 20 minutes. Proposals may be individual or collective. Please submit an abstract of approx. 300 words and full contact details (including e-mail). We warmly encourage postgraduate submissions. Please send proposals by e-mail to:
Raquel Ribeiro (raquel.ribeiro@liverpool.ac.uk) or
Claire Williams (cleliwil@liverpool.ac.uk)
or by post to:
School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies
University of Liverpool
Modern Languages Building
Chatham Street
Liverpool, L69 7ZR UK